Medical Asset Management

Hospital Equipment includes all medical equipment used for diagnosis, therapy, monitoring, rehabilitation, and care. Therefore, medical asset management plays a crucial role in health care to ensure high-quality patient care. Efficient and accurate hospital equipment management systems provide a high degree of patient safety for your facility. Medical Asset Management is a process of managing your assets more efficiently and effectively, to improve patient care and operational efficiencies. Hospital equipment management systems include tracking, locating and analyzing the assets with the help of customized tags and labels.

Hospital Equipment Maintenance

In an effective hospital equipment management system, documenting what equipment you have is highly recommended. Recently, as the number of medical equipment increases, the demand for medical device management has become an utmost priority. Therefore, for medical asset management, hospitals must have pre-determined actions for maintaining, inspecting, and testing all medical equipment in the inventory. Hospital equipment maintenance programs are essential and can reduce the frequency of unanticipated breakdowns by identifying potential equipment issues before they cause delays, typically extending the lifespan by keeping them in optimal conditions.

Hospital Equipment Management System

Given how necessary it is to have a usable, efficient asset available for use in your healthcare facility, hospital equipment maintenance platforms are needed to avoid medical equipment failure, and potentially reduce patient recovery time. Daily checks and specific device tests are recommended for each asset model, and given standards can change alone per year, this can be difficult to keep up with. Reducing staff frustration and improving operational efficiency becomes easier with a maintenance management system in place. Hospital equipment maintenance programs provide support and enhance patient care. When equipment is appropriately maintained, it is more likely to work correctly, which can help avoid delays in care, reduce the risk of patient and staff injuries, and optimize patient outcomes.

Customer Stories

A clinical engineering team from a Massachusetts – based community hospital faced challenged losing up to 30% of their telemetry devices annually. These devices would often be found with soiled linens throughout the hospital causing them to be washed away and lost during laundry cycles. Pycube utilized SyncSens™ RFID and aktivu’s™ loss prevention solutions to help reduce their loss to almost 0% through early asset detection.
A major New York hospital was having difficulty keeping track of their assets and keeping them from leaving the facility. Pycube used SyncSens™ RFID and aktivu’s™ loss prevention solution to alert the hospital using real time notifications and audible alarms to alert when assets pass through a designated choke point, allowing staff to react accordingly and save assets from leaving the facility.
A critical aspect of an emergency department is ensuring that staff and equipment are available and ready to go at all times. Optimizing equipment availability is an essential part of patient management, especially when dealing with a high number of emergency and trauma cases. Pycube’s aktivu™ asset management solution helped this hospital ensure the availability of their assets with improved staff efficiency throughout the patient care cycle, starting from when the patient is admitted to when they’re discharged.